Focus on what you can control to reveal amazing possibilities.
This has been my view this past week. And if there were ever a picture that defined serenity, simplicity and joy to me, this would be it. I’ve been hard-pressed to find any place more peaceful than our cabin in Maine - sitting on the dock, with the gentle breeze on my face, the waves lapping all around, the haunting call of the loons, being surrounded by the people most dear to me.
The news of these past weeks has reached me even way up here in the middle of nowhere, breaking pockets of my peace and serenity. So these are the times I coach myself and ask: “What can I control right now?” My answers were: 1) feel my feelings, honor and acknowledge them and let them pass; 2) check in on the people I care about and focus on what I can do to help them; 3) take a deep breath and get myself back in the present moment. Because if I don’t, I’ll miss it. I’ll miss enjoying my kids go tubing. I’ll miss immersing myself in the board game we’re playing. I’ll miss the actual conversation I’m having with my daughter as we’re paddle boarding. I’ll miss the reason why my son is belly laughing with such joy.
Sometimes things feel overwhelming, out of your control and just plain too much. But if you just focus on my coaching question above “what can I control right now?” you can bring yourself back to the present, regroup and move forward more peacefully and joyfully.